White stuff on fiberglass pool walls

Why is my fiberglass pool shell dulling? This is a frequent concern that fiberglass pool owners may have to face at some point.

This dulling can start as a white material forming on the shell of the swimming pool and can also make the water appear hazy. The white particulate can also build up in the filter which will require frequent cleaning. This can happen to any fiberglass pool because of age, excessive chemical treatments (especially overchlorination) or more commonly, a combination of these issues.

If you see a layer of white or greyish-white grime on the sides of your pool around the tile line, that's calcium. Calcium can build up and leach into the shell’s gelcoat. As fiberglass swimming pools begin to age the gelcoat or color will slowly fade in color over time. Calcium scale deposits happen when your water an over abundance of calcium or from metals in the water. The white flakes are typically from calcium deposits that have accumulated over the years.

Keeping a beautiful fiberglass swimming pool means keeping the water in balance by keeping the right chemicals and systems to help control the processes that make calcification possible. One such system is the Vibranz fiberglass pool care system. 

fiberglass pool chalking


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