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Antioxidants prevent free radical damage and delay the signs of aging to a great extent. With the right diet, you can prevent eye infections, have perfect vision, and also maintain overall eye health. Beta carotene found in dark green and dark yellow fruits and vegetables is very beneficial for eyesight. It is because of this that eye doctors recommend carrots for improving eye health. UV Protection: People take good care of their skin and use skin lotion with high sun protection factor to prevent damage from excessive exposure to sunlight and UV rays. The same UV causes harm to your eyes if you do not take adequate precaution while you are out in the sun. Ordinary and cheap sunglasses do not provide sufficient protection from UV rays. Only UV protection sunglasses are able to protect your eyes from harm caused by direct sunlight. Stop Smoking: While the harmful effects of smoking and its carcinogenic effects are well known, most people are not aware of the harm that cigarette smoke causes to eyes. Smoking not only has an adverse effect on vision, but also results in sagging and baggy skin around the eyes. Besides these simple home remedies there are also products prepared from natural substances that go a long way in maintaining eye health and improving eyesight. Some of the best eye care products fall under the category of homeopathy remedies, which are prepared only from natural substances, including herbs. Medical grade rose water for washing the eyes is one of the better known home remedies. There are also other herbs such as bilberry and rooibos that are known to improve eyesight. Bilberry or Vaccinium myrtillus strengthens eye capillaries, and rooibos or Aspalathus linearis aids in supplying oxygen rich blood and other nutrients to eyes. It is also has antioxidant properties and combats free radicals, which are elements that cause disease and speed up the signs of aging. I-Lite capsule is one of the best herbal eye care remedies to improve vision and get rid of spectacles without any adverse effects. At present you can find an exotic array of products in market that boast off cure from poor eye vision. How to improve vision with herbal eye care remedies? This is a common query heard from people across the world. Let's see here some among the exotic ways to improve eye vision naturally. Treatments for eye problems are generally done according to the actual cause of problem. High stress, prolonged use of certain medicines and nutritional deficiency are some among the main causes of poor eye vision. As per research, including almonds in daily diet is found to be very effective to treat health issues like blurred vision. Essential fatty acids in this food item support the health of eye muscles and nerve cells naturally. You can use almonds both internally and externally. In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to make use of milk added with almonds daily. If possible, it is also recommended to massage the scalp region with almond oil. The first years in school are a continual exposure to new objects, new ideas, new concepts and new words. Naturally, the child is subject to frequent refractive errors. When there is added to this the emotional strain that comes with fear of a teacher, or of doing poor work, or of not understanding, or of not seeing what is being written on the blackboard, a mental and consequently a muscular tension arises. The child, unable to make out the new word at first glance because its meaning is strange to him, stares at it, trying to see and understand it better. It is easy to teach the child to relieve strain by glancing at some familiar object, no matter what it may happen to be. Pediatric eye care can begin in the home simply with the parent closely observing his child. Is the child's posture good? Has he the proper light on his book? Is his book held from twelve to fourteen inches away from his eyes? Trying to read in the dark or poor light can cause irritation of the eyes and can further lead to serious eye problem if done frequently. Never abuse your eyes by reading in poor light. 6.) Wear glasses on sunny weather. Protect your eyes by wearing glasses when you're out on a sunny weather. You should also avoid staring at the sun directly because it can harm the eyes and can even lead to blindness. 7.) Avoid too much use of the computer or TV. Rest your eyes every after 2 hours of using the computer or TV. Never abuse your eyes. It is not good to use the TV or computer for a long period because you will surely regret it once you feel or experience vision problems. 8.) Avoid too much use of eye drops and instead use cold or clean tap water. Don't rely too much on eye drops. Use cold water or clean running water in cleaning your eyes especially before going to sleep. 9.) Apply cucumber on your eyes to remove dark circles. Dark circles surrounding your eyes caused by stress can be removed by applying cucumber in your eyes. Allow the cucumber to stay for about an hour or two. 10.) Do not smoke. Smoking is certainly harmful to the body including the eyes. It can cause poor vision, blurred vision and other eye problems. It can also weaken the body as a whole and can even cause cancer due to the carcinogens a cigarette contains. Our eyes make us feel complete as a human because we feel free to move and see things around us. Let us take good care of our eyes so it can function well even until we get old. Never read facing a light. When reading by artificial light, a tall table lamp with a 150-watt bulb is recommended. Place the lamp on the table to the left of your chair. In order to avoid reflected glare on the printed page, try this simple test: Place a small pocket mirror in the center of the page. If the light bulb is reflected in the mirror, move the lamp until there is no place on the printed page where your eyes can see the light in the mirror. People who have a pet chair in which they like to read overlook the fact that there may be no adequate light near the page. People start to read by bright daylight, become engrossed, and do not notice that as twilight falls, the light grows dimmer and dimmer, until they are straining to make out the words on the printed page. The problems of lighting and posture are important for the healthy eye as well as for the eye that suffers from some defect. In the case of the latter, their neglect is little short of criminal abuse. Take heed of the above eye care tips, and many benefits will result. · Laser protection eyewear is used to protect eyes from damage from visible and invisible wavelengths of laser light. · Many helmets are devised with shields and other types of guards to aid in the protection of the eyes. These can be visors, shields, and guards each with its own method for protecting from the sport or activity you are participating in. · Screens and tints, used for windows and other products that produce glares and more which can cause eye strain. If you spend a lot of time watching television, using a computer, or reading, using devises to help minimize the strain and fatigue of your eyes is recommended. It is possible to get these devises in many stores. You may get them in major department stores, workplace outfitters, and you may also find many of these devices in hardware or specialty stores. Another thing you can do to ensure good eye protection is know the basics of first aid. Sometimes your eyes may come in contact with something that's foreign; when that happens, knowing how to care for your eyes can make a serious impact on how much, if any, damage occurs. Water may work for flushing some products or items, but, water may not be the best solution for your eyes with certain products. Educating yourself on what to do, or taking a first aid class in general really wouldn't hurt. There are sites you can view when looking for first aid tips for eyes. REMEMBER: Eye injuries are the easiest of injuries to avoid and the simple answer to them is to wear safety glasses. All you need to do to prevent eye injuries is to keep them covered. Protecting your eyes is your right and responsibility.

exercises to improve eyesight


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