Memories - Adventures with Rex Wotton

Memories of Barbados Adventures. Rex Wotton was among the most   charming Rogues of Barbados. His sense of joy and sharp wit surrounded every situation.  Sailing to St. Vincent with a friend at age 11 shows his sense of adventure. He encouraged all to share his pranks and daredevil acts, making it seem safe, easy, and a joy. Often reckless, he took extreme but calculated risks.

As an example: When someone tossed a beverage at him, he quickly unloaded the materials of a wine cooler over their head. At another time when mocked by a comic that made a cheeky statement concerning him, he returned the insult by stealing away the comics' legendary eco-friendly bowler hat. Straight previous safety, and security and the concierge, he strolled with a defiant air as well as his seductive grinning chuckle.

He was a commanding high-energy man at 5.8 foot, trim and fit, with untidy, light-brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Never fond of formal exercises; he did not run, jog, or do any formal . Hard work, active play, and running the West Coast water was his exercise.

He would invariably not allow much get past him and constantly returned any disrespect with a dual dose of the very same, but, wrapped with charm He rarely showed rage, but it prepared when required.

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